EPA updates NAMs resources
Posted on 2023-01-10The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development announces availability of new and updated resources for NAMs development.
- The EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard has been updated. Version 2.1.1 features new Help pages, the ability to visualize structures in Batch Search, updates to production volume data and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation algorithms, and other improvements. The Dashboard is available at https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard/.
- A video recording, slide deck, and case study worksheets from virtual training on the Dashboard are available on the EPA NAMs Training webpage at https://www.epa.gov/chemical-research/new-approach-methods-nams-training; filter on “CompTox Chemicals Dashboard” in the second column of the table.
- Save the date for a training webinar on EPA’s ECOTOX Knowledgebase to be presented Tuesday, February 7, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST. Information about the ECOTOX Knowledgebase is available at https://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/.
- Materials are now available from the October 2022 EPA NAMs Conference. To access materials, visit https://www.epa.gov/chemical-research/epa-nams-conference. A form to provide feedback on the conference is available at https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=e7mQz0a-AEqXAIHOT_G39gyzLii1vtxPq9EnE4TXjdJUMUhZQjhXVjA3NDVYUFhLVzZMRlY0MFZVOCQlQCN0PWcu.
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