The Alternatives Research and Development Fund (ARDF) awards grants to support research projects that develop alternative methods to advance science and to replace or reduce animal use. ARDF is currently accepting applications for this year’s grants. This year, prospective grantees are asked to submit letters of intent, which are due February 28. Letters of intent will be evaluated and prospective grantees invited to apply by the end of March. Information is available at

The maximum grant is $50,000. While preference will be given to U.S. applications, proposals are welcome from any nonprofit educational or research institution worldwide. Expert reviews of each proposal will evaluate scientific merit and feasibility and the potential of the project to contribute to significantly reduce or replace the use of animals. Proposals in the fields of research, testing, or education will be considered. Projects may not use intact non-human vertebrate or invertebrate animals, or monoclonal antibodies produced by in vivo methods. While ARDF does not fund human subjects research, preference for these grants will be given to proposals that use in silico and in vitro methods with human cells or tissues.