Making better use of toxicity studies for human health by extrapolating across endpoints

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Federica Madia , Raffaella Corvi, Andrew Worth, Izabela Matys, Pilar Prieto
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To develop and evaluate scientifically robust and innovative approaches for the safety assessment of chemicals across multiple regulatory sectors, the EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM) has started a project to explore how to better use the available information, including that from existing animal studies. The aim is to minimize reliance on in vivo testing to avoid redundancy and to facilitate the integration of novel non-animal methods in the regulatory setting with the ultimate goal of designing sustainable testing strategies. In this thought-starter paper, we present a number of examples to illustrate and trigger further discussions within the scientific and regulatory communities on ways to extrapolate useful information for predicting toxicity from one toxicity endpoint to another or across endpoints based on mechanistic information.

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How to Cite
Madia, F. (2020) “Making better use of toxicity studies for human health by extrapolating across endpoints”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 37(4), pp. 519–531. doi: 10.14573/altex.2005061.
Food for Thought ...

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