Ready for regulatory use: NAMs and NGRA for chemical safety assurance

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Paul L. Carmichael , Maria T. Baltazar, Sophie Cable, Stella Cochrane, Matthew Dent, Hequn Li, Alistair Middleton, Iris Muller, Georgia Reynolds, Carl Westmoreland, Andrew White
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New approach methodologies (NAMs) that do not use experimental animals are, in certain settings, entirely appropriate for assuring the safety of chemical ingredients, although regulatory adoption has been slow. In this opinion article we discuss how scientific advances that utilize NAMs to certify systemic safety are available now and merit broader acceptance within the framework of next generation risk assessments (NGRA).

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How to Cite
Carmichael, P. L. (2022) “Ready for regulatory use: NAMs and NGRA for chemical safety assurance”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 39(3), pp. 359–366. doi: 10.14573/altex.2204281.
Food for Thought ...

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