Trust your gut: Establishing confidence in gastrointestinal models – An overview of the state of the science and contexts of use

Main Article Content

Susan Debad, David Allen, Omari Bandele, Colin Bishop, Michaela Blaylock, Paul Brown, Maureen K. Bunger, Julia Y. Co, Lynn Crosby, Amber B. Daniel, Steve S. Ferguson, Kevin Ford, Gonçalo Gamboa da Costa, Kristin H. Gilchrist, Matthew W. Grogg, Maureen Gwinn, Thomas Hartung , Simon P. Hogan, Ye Eun Jeong, George E. N. Kass, Elaina Kenyon, Nicole C. Kleinstreuer, Ville Kujala, Patrik Lundquist, Joanna Matheson, Shaun D. McCullough, Angela Melton-Celsa, Steven Musser, Ilung Oh, Oluwakemi B. Oyetade, Sarita U. Patil, Elijah J. Petersen, Nakissa Sadrieh, Christie M. Sayes, Benjamin S. Scruggs, Yu-Mei Tan, Bill Thelin, M. Tyler Nelson, José V. Tarazona, John F. Wambaugh, Jun-Young Yang, Changwoo Yu, Suzanne Fitzpatrick
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The webinar series and workshop titled “Trust Your Gut: Establishing Confidence in Gastrointestinal Models – An Overview of the State of the Science and Contexts of Use” was co-organized by NICEATM, NIEHS, FDA, EPA, CPSC, DoD, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) and hosted at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, USA on October 11-12, 2023. New approach methods (NAMs) for assessing issues of gastrointestinal tract (GIT)- related toxicity offer promise in addressing some of the limitations associated with animal-based assessments. GIT NAMs vary in complexity, from two-dimensional monolayer cell line-based systems to sophisticated 3-dimensional organoid systems derived from human primary cells. Despite advances in GIT NAMs, challenges remain in fully replicating the complex interactions and pro­cesses occurring within the human GIT. Presentations and discussions addressed regulatory needs, challenges, and innovations in incorporating NAMs into risk assessment frameworks; explored the state of the science in using NAMs for evaluating systemic toxicity, understanding absorption and pharmacokinetics, evaluating GIT toxicity, and assessing potential allergenicity; and discussed strengths, limitations, and data gaps of GIT NAMs as well as steps needed to establish confidence in these models for use in the regulatory setting.

Plain language summary
Non-animal methods to assess whether chemicals may be toxic to the human digestive tract promise to complement or improve on animal-based methods. These approaches, which are based on human or animal cells and/or computer models, are faced with their own technical challenges and need to be shown to predict adverse effects in humans. Regulators are tasked with evaluating submitted data to best protect human health and the environment. A webinar series and workshop brought together scientists from academia, industry, military, and regulatory authorities from dif­ferent countries to discuss how non-animal methods can be integrated into the risk assessment of drugs, food additives, dietary supplements, pesticides, and industrial chemicals for gastrointestinal toxicity.

Article Details

How to Cite
Debad, S. (2024) “Trust your gut: Establishing confidence in gastrointestinal models – An overview of the state of the science and contexts of use”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 41(3), pp. 402–424. doi: 10.14573/altex.2403261.

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