Non-animal models: Complexity for interactions…Connecting science

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Francesca Caloni , Alessandra Cazzaniga, Arno C. Gutleb, Thomas Hartung, Helena Kandarova, Giulia Ranaldi, Hassan Rashidi, Doris Wilflingseder, Saliha Moutaharrik
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How to Cite
Caloni, F. (2024) “Non-animal models: Complexity for interactions…Connecting science”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 41(4), pp. 666–668. doi: 10.14573/altex.2407181.
Meeting Reports

Hartung, T. (2023a). Artificial intelligence as the new frontier in chemical risk assessment. Front Artif Intell 6, 1269932. doi:10.3389/frai.2023.1269932

Hartung, T. (2023b). ToxAIcology – The evolving role of artificial intelligence in advancing toxicology and modernizing regulatory science. ALTEX 40, 559-570. doi:10.14573/altex.2309191

Kandarova, H. and Pôbiš, P. (2024). The “Big Three” in biocompatibility testing of medical devices: Implementation of alternatives to animal experimentation-are we there yet? Front Toxicol 5, 1337468. doi:10.3389/ftox.2023.1337468

Kleinstreuer, N. and Hartung, T. (2024). Artificial intelligence (AI) – It’s the end of the tox as we know it (and I feel fine). Arch Toxicol 98, 735-754. doi:10.1007/s00204-023-03666-2

Luvanda, M. K., Posch, W., Noureen, A. et al. (2021). Dexamethasone creates a suppressive microenvironment and promotes Aspergillus fumigatus invasion in a human 3D epithelial/immune respiratory model. J Fungi 7, 221. doi:10.3390/jof7030221

Marescotti, D., Serchi, T., Luettich, K. et al. (2019). Added value of complexity: How complex should an in vitro model be? The experience on a 3D alveolar model. ALTEX 36, 388-402. doi:10.14573/altex.1811221

Marx, U., Akabane, T., Andersson, T. B. et al. (2020). Biology-inspired microphysiological systems to advance medicines for patient benefit and animal welfare. ALTEX 37, 364-394. doi:10.14573/altex.2001241

Posch, W., Vosper, J., Noureen, A. et al. (2021). C5aR inhibition of nonimmune cells suppresses inflammation and maintains epithelial integrity in SARS-CoV-2-infected primary human airway epithelia. J Allergy Clin Immunol 147, 2083-2097.e6. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2021.03.038

Sewell, F., Alexander-White, C., Brescia, S. et al. (2024). New approach methodologies (NAMs): Identifying and overcoming hurdles to accelerated adoption. Toxicol Res 13, tfae044. doi:10.1093/toxres/tfae044

Smirnova, L., Morales Pantoja, I. E. and Hartung, T. (2023). Organoid intelligence (OI) – The ultimate functionality of a brain microphysiological system. ALTEX 40, 191-203. doi:10.14573/altex.2303261

Zaderer, V., Dichtl, S., Posch, W. et al. (2023). GlyPerA™ effectively shields airway epithelia from SARS-CoV-2 infection and inflammatory events. Respir Res 24, 88. doi:10.1186/s12931-023-02397-3

Zaderer, V., Diem, G., Posch, W. et al. (2024). P80 natural essence spray and lozenges provide respiratory protection against Influenza A, B, and SARS-CoV-2. Respir Res 25, 102. doi:10.1186/s12931-024-02718-0

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