Mapping out strategies to further develop human-relevant, new approach methodology (NAM)-based developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing

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Eike Cöllen, Kristina Bartmann, Jonathan Blum, Kelly Carstens, Ivana Celardo, Nivedita Chatterjee, Marco Corvaro, Nadine Dreser, Ellen Fritsche, Thomas Hartung, Helena T. Hogberg, Thomas Knudsen, Katharina Koch, Anna Kreutz, Malene Lislien, Viktoria Magel, Sue M. Marty, Giorgia Pallocca, Anna Bal-Price, Constanza Rovida, Magdalini Sachana, Timothy J. Shafer, Lena Smirnova, Ilinca Suciu, Yaroslav Tanaskov, Silvia Tangianu, Chiara Wolfbeisz, Marcel Leist
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On occasion of the DNT5 meeting in Konstanz, Germany (April-2024), participants brainstormed on future challenges concerning a regulatory implementation of the developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) in vitro test battery (DNT-IVB). The five discussion topics below outline some of the key issues, opportunities and research directions for the next several years: (1) How to contextualize DNT hazard with information on potential maternal toxicity or other toxicity domains (non-DNT)? Several approaches on how to use cytotoxicity data from NAMs were discussed. (2) What opportunities exist for an immediate or near-future application of the DNT-IVB, e.g. as a prioritisation step or add-on to other information? Initial examples are already emerging; the data can be used even if the battery is not converted to a defined approach. (3) How to establish data interpretation procedures for multi-dimensional endpoints that reduce dimensionality and are suitable for classification? A decision framework  is required on how to use the DNT-IVB in a regulatory context. Machine-learning (AI-approaches) may provide novel classification models. (4) How can a battery of molecular initiating events (MIEs) be smartly linked to the DNT-IVB? At what tier of an overall strategy would MIEs be evaluated, and how would one optimally balance cost vs information yield. (5) What is the way forward to scientific validation of DNT NAMs and the DNT-IVB? A large set of animal data would be required for conventional approaches, while mechanistic information may establish relevance in other ways.

Plain language summary
A meeting on developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing was held in Konstanz, Germany in April 2024 (DNT5 meeting). A major topic of discussion at the conference was the DNT in vitro test battery (DNT-IVB), and how this set of cell-based animal-free test methods may be used in a regulatory context. Opportunities for future developments were addressed in discussion groups: The combination of specific DNT readouts with less specific cytotoxicity data was discussed. Another group of participants addressed opportunities for an immediate or near-future application of the DNT-IVB. One of the discussion groups concluded that a decision framework is required on how to use the DNT-IVB in a regulatory context. Moreover, the use of signalling assays (evaluating the interaction of test compounds with receptors, enzymes and transporters) in combination with the IVB was discussed. Finally, ideas and concepts for the way forward to scientific validation of the DNT-IVB were collected.

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How to Cite
Cöllen, E. (2025) “Mapping out strategies to further develop human-relevant, new approach methodology (NAM)-based developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing”, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation. doi: 10.14573/altex.2501091.

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