Volume 25 - Supp. 1 - 2008

Editorial English
Horst Spielmann

In alphabetical order of the first authors

Nathalie Alépée, Carine Tornier, Carole Amsellem, Cécile Robert, Olivier Doucet,
Marie-Hélène Roux, Jean Pachot, Marisa Méloni, Jean-Roch Meunier, Anne de Brugerolle de Fraissinette
Reconstructed human epidermis (RHE): an in vitro skin irritation model for full replacement of the Draize test

Maria-Jesus Almela, Yann Courbebaisse, Pedro A. Torres, Esperanza Herreros,
Ruoya Li, Nathalie Rougier, Christophe Chesne
Human HepaRG® hepatocytes for the detection of toxic metabolic pathways
Frédéric Amaral, Caroline Chesneau, Elodie Lambert, Laure Martin, Damien Lelièvre, Marie-Hélène Grandidier, José Cotovio
In vitro skin irritation assessment of colored and colorant-like chemicals using the ECVAM validated EpiSkinTM assay: the need of appropriate and relevant controls

Frédéric Amaral, Damien Lelièvre, José Cotovio
IL-1α release quantification in culture media: how to ensure standardization?

Sonu Ambwani
In vitro model for evaluation of zineb induced oxidative stress, immunosuppression and apoptosis 

Heike A. Behrensdorf-Nicol, Heidelore Schildger, Kay-Martin Hanschmann,
Karin Duchow, Beate Krämer
Potency testing of inactivated rabies vaccines for veterinary use: correlation of results between mouse challenge test and serological assay

Heike A. Behrensdorf-Nicol, Ursula Bonifas, Birgit Kegel, Katja Silberbach,
Karin Weisser, Beate Krämer
A combined assay measuring binding and enzymatic activity allows in vitro detection of tetanus toxicity in vaccines

Hana Bendová, Kristina Kejlová, Dagmar Jírová, Marek Malý, Hana Kolářová
Protective effects of herbal cosmetic ingredients assessed in cell and tissue cultures and in human studies

Bas J. Blaauboer
Biokinetic considerations in in vitro toxicology

Udo Bock, Annette Amann, Eleonore Haltner
Validation of an ex vivo human cervical tissue model for the local delivery of nucleic acid drugs

Susanne Boehn, Alexander Boeser, Robert Landsiedel, Bennard van Ravenzwaay
The use of precision cut lung slices to assess nanoparticle mediated toxicity

Christina Brandenberger, Anke-Gabriele Lenz, Christian Mühlfeld, Otmar Schmid, Konrad Ludwig Maier, Peter Gehr, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser
An epithelial airway model to study the effects of gold nanoparticles deposited at the air-liquid interface

Susanne Bremer, Tina Stummann, Marina Hasiwa, Cristian Pellizzer, Kinga Vojnits,  Siegfried Morath, Sandra Coecke
The use of embryonic stem cells in EU research projects

Donald Bruce
Can human embryonic stem cells be an acceptable ethical alternative to animal experiments?

Anne de Brugerolle
SkinEthic Laboratories, a validated choice of in vitro alternative methods to the animal use for skin corrosion and irritation and other selected choices for eye irritation and skin pigmentation

Daniel Brunner, Jürgen Frank, Helmut Appl, Harald Schöffl, Walter Pfaller,
Gerhard Gstraunthaler
Serum-free cell culture: the serum-free media interactive online database

Gemma Buckland, Emily McIvor, Gill Langley
Towards a European science without animal experiments

Christof Burek
Predict-IV: developing novel alternative testing strategies for use in pharmaceutical discovery and development

José Cotovio, Marie-Hélène Grandidier, Carole Amselem, Jean-Marc Ovigne, Frédéric Amaral, Damien Ielièvre, Christophe Capallère, Jean-Roch Meunier, Jacques Leclaire
The use of the SkinEthic Human Corneal Epithelial (HCE) model to predict ocular irritancy: optimized 1H/16H protocol applied to a large set of 400 industrial chemicals

José Cotovio, Damien Lelièvre, Marie Hélène Grandidier, Roland Roguet, Estelle Tinois-Tessoneaud, Jacques Leclaire
In vitro acute skin irritancy of 184 cosmetic ingredients using the validated EPISKIN model protocol

Rodger Curren
Advantages and difficulties in using 3-dimensional human skin models in toxicology and efficacy studies

Alistair Currie
Challenging the legal basis of the rodent carcinogenicity test in UK

Thomas Delanne, Damien Lelièvre, José Cotovio
Towards a standardized trans-epithelial electrical resistance measurement on in vitro cutaneous and ocular reconstructed models 

Trevor DeVaney, Sabine Reinisch
Growth of squamous carcinoma cells under the influence of chemotherapeutic agents

Min Dong, Francois Pognan, Armin Wolf
High-content cellular imagining approach for in vitro toxicology

Helena Eixarch, Anne Steimer, Eleonore Haltner, Udo Bock
Primary porcine alveolar epithelial cells (pAEpC) as a model for drug permeability assays

Peter Ertl, Hubert Brueckl
Lab-on-a-chip: a novel approach to monitor nanotoxicology

Bratko Filipic, Srecko Sladoljev, Lidija Gradisnik, Avrelija Cencic, Eva Ruzic-Sabljic, Srecko Koren
Cell-growth promoting fractions originated from bovine blood clot in combination with the porcine ocular fluid

Bratko Filipic, Branko Kesteli, Tatjana Sindik-Milosevic, Srecko Koren, Evgen Šooš
The antiproliferative activity of the Holocene grain wash-out can be enhanced by HuIFN-Alpha N3 but not with the rHuIFN-Alpha 2

Efrat Forti, Susan Salovaara, Yuksel Cetin, Anna Bulgheroni, Pilar Prieto, Walter Pfaller
In vitro study of the toxicity induced by Nickel and Cobalt particles on human lung cells

Claudius Griesinger, Sebastian Hoffmann, Agnieszka Kinsner, Sandra Coecke,
Thomas Hartung
The emerging concept of evidence-based toxicology (EBT)– results of the 1st international forum towards EBT

Barbara Grune, Ursula G. Sauer, Michael R. Alvers, Michael Schroeder, Thomas Waechter, Horst Spielmann, Daniel Butzke
Go3R – the knowledge-based search engine for information on animal testing alternatives

Gerhard Gstraunthaler
Biological differences between embryonic and adult stem cells
Gerhard Gstraunthaler, Harald Schöffl, Helmut Appl, Walter Pfaller
Alternatives to the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS): a survey of recent strategies to reduce or replace FBS in cell and tissue culture

Leonhard Guber, Sinikka Prajczer, Jan Boei, Matthias Wieser, Regina Voglauer,
Walter Pfaller, Paul Jennings
Characterisation of a new human renal proximal tubular cell line (RPTEC/TERT1), generated by the introduction of telomerase activity

Robert Guest, Andrew Whittingham, Neil Warren, Helen Bytheway, Jens Hoffmann, Daniel Fuchs, Horst W. Fuchs
An initial evaluation of the CellSystems EST-1000 reconstructed human skin model for distinguishing R34 and R35 corrosives in vitro

Martina Hampel, Iris Dally, Jan Hansmann, Heike Mertsching
Development of a three dimensional trachea model as an alternative for testing toxicity

Steffi Hansen, Tsambika Hahn, Arne Naegel, Michael Heisig, Gabriel Wittum, Dirk Neumann, Ulrich Schaefer
One step further towards computer assisted simulation of percutaneous absorption to avoid animal experiments – the combination of experiment and simulation effectively helps to identify new important parameters

Thomas Hartung
Food for thought ... on the future of toxicology

Patrick Hayden, Helena Kandarova, Jennifer Bolmarcich, George Jackson, Howard Cohen, Gina Stolper, Mitchell Klausner
Drug metabolizing enzyme activity in human in vitro dermal (EpiDerm™) and airway (EpiAirway™) epithelial models

Patrick Hayden, Helena Kandarova, Gina Stolper, Carolyn Cooney, Mitchell Klausner
Healing of dermal wounds in the EpiDerm-FT™ in vitro human skin model

Katrin Hayess, Dana Sittner, Birgitta Slawik, Anke Visan, Horst Spielmann, Andreas Luch, Andrea Seiler
Development of a predictive in vitro test module for developmental neurotoxicity testing using mouse embryonic stem cells

Coenraad Hendriksen
An up-date of three Rs progress in the area of vaccine quality control

Erin H. Hill, Rodger Curren, Hans A. Raabe
The reference laboratory concept in the United States: successfully combining in vitro testing services and an education program in a non-profit institute

Daniel Hollwedel, Manfred Walzl, Barbara Kapeller, Jürgen Frank, Harald Schoeffl,
Karin Macfelda, Udo M. Losert
The hen`s egg testing on the chorioallantoic membrane – a model for multiple purposes

Anke Hoppensack, Lisa Kaschel, Johanna Schanz, Kirstin Linke, Heike Mertsching
A new human hepatocyte cell line as a vantage point for a new generation of organoid liver test systems?

Song Huang, Samuel Constant, Ludovic Wiszniewski, Jean-Paul Derouette
MucilAir: a novel human 3D airway epithelium model for acute or long term toxicity testing of chemicals

Antonius H. B. M. van Huygevoort, Rachel P. L. van Swelm, Miranda H. M. van Tuyl,
Harry H. Emmen, Miranda Stitzinger
Alternative endpoints in the LLNA in order to reduce false positive results
Paul Jennings, Martin Leonard, Daniel Crean, Walter Pfaller
Transcriptomic profiling of the effects of cadmium chloride and diquat dibromide on renal proximal tubular cells reveal a role of Nrf2

Nick Jukes, Siri Martinsen
Three’s a crowd: the 1R of replacement for education and training

Nick Jukes
Alternatives across Latin America: catalysing change in the curriculum

Suzanne Kadereit
The technology of human embryonic stem cells

Helena Kandárová, Mitch Klausner, Patrick Hayden, Yulia Kaluzhny, Joseph Kubilus, Seyoum Ayehunie, Paul Kearney, John Sheasgreen
In vitro topical toxicity testing in line with requirements of EU and US regulators: reconstructed human tissue models

Kristina Kejlová, Dagmar Jírová, Hana Bendová, Miloslav Petrů, Hana Kolářová
Phototoxicity of essential oils intended for cosmetic use

Ferry Kienberger, Gerald Kada, Andreas Ebner, Peter Hinterdorfer
Nanotoxicity: application of atomic force microscopy and novel nanoparticle measurement technology

Carsten Kneuer, Vera Ritz, Ursula Gundert-Remy, Karen-Ildico Hirsch-Ernst
Towards an in vitro model for xenobiotic passage at the materno-fetal interface based on permanent cell lines

Andrew Knight
The beginning of the end for chimpanzee experiments?

Andrew Knight
Non-animal methodologies within biomedical research and toxicity testing

Lydia Mareen Koeper, Andrea Schulz, Hans Jürgen Ahr, Hans-Werner Vohr
In vitro differentiation of skin sensitizers by cell signaling pathways

Lydia Mareen Koeper, Hans-Werner Vohr
Functional assays are mandatory for a correct prediction of immunotoxic properties of compounds in vitro

Roman Kolar
Animal testing of genetically modified food and feed: can it be justified?
Philipp Kuegler, Suzanne Kadereit, Bastian Zimmer, Marcel Leist
Generation of functional astrocytes from embryonic stem for drug testing

Su Hyon Lee
Development of a new reconstituted human corneal model to assess the ocular irritating test

Marcel Leist, Hannes Hentze, Suzanne Kadereit
The biological basis of the use of human embryonic stem cells for in vitro test systems

Anke-Gabriele Lenz, George A. Ferron, Erwin Karg, Konrad L. Maier, Hoger Schulz, Otmar Schmid
Reduction of animal testing by development of a novel exposure chamber to expose cells to nanoparticles at the air-liquid interface

Manfred Liebsch, Lena Smirnova, Julian Tharmann, Mario Bauer, Carolin Braebsch, Gunter Linsel, Rosa Siemers, Christine Otto, Edith Berger-Preiß, Heiko Kock, Antje Oertel, Detlef Ritter, Jan Knebel
Prevalidation study for testing the toxic effects of inhalable substances (gases) on human lung cells using an air/liquid culture technique

Manfred Liebsch, Armin Gamer, Rodger Curren, Jürgen Frank, Elke Genschow, Julian Tharmann, Marina Remmele, Britta Bauer, Hans Raabe, Allison Hilberer, Nathan Wilt, Reza Lornejad-Schäfer, Christine Schäfer, Patric Hayden, Helena Kandarova
Follow-up validation of the modified EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test (SIT): results of a multi-centre study of twenty reference test substances

Toni Lindl
New developments in commercial supply of serum-free media

Holger Loessner, Kathrin Wolf, Siegfried Weiss
Use of in vivo bioluminescence imaging for the investigation of bacterial infection courses and heterologous gene expression of bacterial vectors with small groups of mice

Brigitta Loretz, Ulrich F. Schaefer, Claus-Michael Lehr
Caco-2 adenocarcinoma on chicken embryos chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) as an alternative to mammalian models for preclinical tests of new cytostatic drug formulations

Reza Lornejad-Schäfer, Christine Schäfer, Harald Schöffl, Jürgen Frank
ARPE-19 retinal pigment epithelia cells as an in vitro model for the examination of light induced cell damage in the eye

Jakob Torp Madsen, Peter Bollen, Ann-Therese Karlberg, Carl Simonsen, Stefan Vogel, Jeanne Duus Johansen, Klaus Ejner Andersen
Nanotechnology and contact allergy
Siri Martinsen
Training the animal doctor: caring as a clinical skill

Marisa Meloni, Barbara De Servi, Beatrice Le Varlet
Assessment of corneal surface impairment and early signs of eye irritation on reconstructed human corneal epithelium

Claudia Mertens, Barbara Schnüriger
Swiss court bans work on macaque brains

Jacqueline Michaelis
Dynamic 3D in vitro intestinal test system

Nada Milosevic, Sabine Lange, Andreas Finkensieper, Madeleine Hannig,
Maria Wartenberg, Heinrich Sauer
Confrontation cultures of embryonic stem cell-derived embryoid bodies and multicellular tumour spheroids: a novel in vitro model for the study of tumour-induced angiogenesis

Nicole Jennifer Motzkus, Marina Sergejeva, Lubos Budinsky, Kay Brune, Andreas Hess
New animal model for objective pain research: non-invasive functional imaging in anesthetized animals by BOLD fMRI to study initial processes of chronic pain

Fozia Noor, Jens Niklas, Alexander Strigun, Simone Beckers, Elmar Heinzle
Improved toxicity prediction for safety assessment of drugs during preclinical drug development using relevant hepatic and cardiac cell lines

Gladys Ouédraogo, Michèle Feltès, Linda Bourouf, Nicole Flamand, Jean-Roch Meunier
In vitro micronucleus assay using a co-culture sytem: towards new tools for in vitro risk assessment of dermally applied compounds?

Marleen Pauwels, Vera Rogiers
The incorporation of 3R alternatives in the safety evaluation of cosmetic ingredients by the SCC(NF)P

Shiranee Pereira and Maneka Gandhi
The Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Alternatives to the use of animals in life sciences

Maria Purzner, Martin Paparella, Simone Mühlegger
Nanotoxicology and alternative testing methods – development, chances and needs on OECD and EU level

Hans A. Raabe, Jennifer R. Nash, Rodger D. Curren
The use of histopathology to improve the predictive capacity of the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) assay

Caroline Rauch, Elisabeth Feifel, Harald Schöffl, Walter Pfaller, Gerhard Gstraunthaler
Alternatives to the use of fetal bovine serum: platelet lysates as serum replacement in cell and tissue culture

Kerstin Reisinger, Dominik Stuhlmann, Klaus Rudolf Schröder
The comet assay in the Phenion® full thickness model as a putative tool for improved in vitro genotoxicity testing

Stéphanie Ringeissen, Reine Note, Catherine Dochez, Nicole Flamand, Gladys Ouedraogo-Arras, Jean-Roch Meunier
Implementation of in silico models in the cosmetic industry to face the 7th Amendment of the European Cosmetics Directive 

Thomas Dino Rockel, Jason Cline, Kathrin Gaßmann, Michaela Moors, Nadine Seiferth, Timm Schreiber, Tim Zschauer, Josef Abel, Ellen Fritsche
The three dimensional human neurosphere model identifies developmental neurotoxicants

Dieter Runge, Olivia Pansch, Kristin Kastl, Mandy Bruch, Andre Kacholdt, Hendrik Rudolf, Elmar Mohr, Anett Ullrich
Analysis of potential toxicity caused by genetically modified plants: a combination of in vitro methods as an alternative to feeding studies

Ursula G. Sauer
Animal experiments and non-animal methods in nanomedicine and nanotechnology – the results of a critical literature survey from the point of view of animal welfare

Marie-Jeanne Schiffelers
Regulatory animal testing: factors stimulating or obstructing the adoption of 3R methods in the regulatory process

Stefan Schildknecht
The human dopaminergic neuronal cell line LUHMES as in vitro model for Parkinson´s disease

Stefanie Schindler
Current activities of the foundation Animalfree Research (AfR), formerly Fonds für versuchstierfreie Forschung (FFVFF)

Sabrina A. Schreiner, Katharina Hoelzle, Max M. Wittenbrink, Regina Hofmann-Lehmann, Ludwig E. Hoelzle
Development of an in vitro cultivation system for the haemotrophic bacterium Mycoplasma suis

Klaus R. Schroeder
The application of the Phenion® Full Thickness Skin Model as an alternative test to predict toxic effects

Troy Seidle, Martin Stephens, Andrew Rowan
Bringing toxicology into the 21st century: a global call to action

Katherina Sewald, Simone Switalla, Jan Knebel, Detlef Rittler, Maja Henjakovic,
Norbert Krug, Hermann-Josef Thierse, Armin Braun
Respiratory toxicology and immuntoxicology in precision cut lung slices (PCLS)

Sara Signorelli, Paul Jennings, Martin Leonard, Walter Pfaller
A simple and inexpensive in vitro model to study the effects of hypoxia on pulmonary epithealial and microvascular endothelial cells

Brigitte Simon-Hettich
Use of computer-assisted models for the prediction of toxic effects of chemical substances

Horst Spielmann
The use of stem cells in toxicology

 Horst Spielmann
Toxicological evaluation of nanomaterials in cosmetic products

Michael Sternberg, Stephen Muggleton, Ata Amini, Huma Lodhi
A logic-based approach for quantitative toxicology prediction 

Katharina Stiglbrunner, Markus Wurm, Clemens Jagerhofer, Jacqueline Mader, Andreas Drauschke, Peter Krösl
Novel test lung for real life supported simulation

Alois Strasser, Harald Kühnel, Günter Marik, Ivo Schmerold
Assessment of DNA oxidation by nitroheterocyclic compounds using cultured YAC-1 cells

Dominik Stuhlmann, Klaus Rudolf Schroeder, Julia Scheel, August Bernd,
Dietmar Eschrich
Influence of “danger signals” on CD54 and CD86 marker expression in THP-1 cells – improvement by HaCaT-Coculture

Kristie Sullivan, ChadSandusky
Non-animal approaches to inhalation toxicity assessment: a proposal for a way forward

Sandra Szameit, Klemens Vierlinger, Letizia Farmer, Helga Tuschl, Christa Nöhammer
Gene expression analysis in chemical-treated dendritic cells: Discriminating contact sensitisers and irritants employing the immune toxicity chip and a whole genome array

Katy Taylor, Nicky Gordon, Gill Langley
Estimates for worldwide laboratory animal use

Katy Taylor, Rebecca Ram
The continued need for a cruelty-free standard for cosmetics

Katy Taylor
Recommendations for the revision of Directive 86/609/EEC from the European animal protection movement

Katy Taylor
Reporting 3Rs parameters in European scientific research papers

Katy Taylor
Opportunities and threats for animals during the implementation of REACH

Katy Taylor
Making the EU Directive 86/609/EEC work for animals

Nitin Telang, Meena Katdare
Epithelial cell lines for carcinogenesis and chemoprevention: an alternative to complement genetically engineered mouse models

Carine Tornier, Carole Amsellem, Mylène Pelleter, Jean-Roch Meunier, Anne de Brugerolle de Fraissinette, Nathalie Alépée
SkinEthic Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) model: development of an alternative method for skin irritation testing

Chiara Uboldi, Susanne Barth, Ronald E. Unger, C. James Kirkpatrick
Surface modification influences the in vitro toxicity of gold nanoparticles in human alveolar type-II cell lines

Angelo Vedani, Morena Spreafico, Ourania Peristera, Annette Bahlinger, Martin Smiesko
VirtualToxLab – in silico prediction of the toxic (endocrine-disrupting) potential of drugs and chemicals

Richard Vogel, Horst Spielmann
Perspectives for alternative methods to animal testing in the field of reproductive toxicology

Reinhard Wanner
Quantitation of sensitizing potential by the loose-fit co-culture-based sensitization assay (LCSA) in comparison with LLNA-data

Christian Wiegand, Dietmar Eschrich, Klaus Rudolf Schroeder, Hans F. Merk, Jörg Mey, Kerstin Reisinger
Metabolism studies of the Phenion® full thickness skin model as compared to other in vitro models and human native skin

Joachim Wiest, Daniel Grundl, Michael Schmidhuber, Marlies Brückl, Martin Brischwein, Helmut Grothe, Angela M. Otto, Bernhard Wolf
Cell based assay for label-free, long-term investigation of living cells as alternative testing method for toxicity

Catherine Willett, Kristie Sullivan
Application of an intelligent testing strategy to the US EPA Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program

Emma Williamson, Katharine Briggs
Progress in sharing data from repeated dose toxicity studies

Andrew Worth
In silico estimation tools developed by the Joint Research Centre in support of chemicals legislation

Bastian Zimmer, Suzanne Kadereit, Philipp B. Kügler, Marcel Leist
Development of an in vitro test system for developmental neurotoxicity

Michaela Zorn-Kruppa, Heike Scholz
A human corneal model for the prediction of eye irritation: progress report