Thomas Hartung and Herman B. W. M. Koëter
Franz P. Gruber
Programme overview
Early Morning Sessions
31st August
MS1 3R centers 1: Asian regulatory affairs in animal welfare and alternatives
MS2 Industry activities 1
MS3 Animal welfare associations
1st September
MS4 Educational activities
MS5 3R centers 2
MS6 Associations
2nd September
MS7 Lessons learned from the validation and potential regulatory applicability of in vitro alternative pyrogen tests
MS8 Industry activities 2
MS9 3R centers 3
Plenary Sessions
PL1 The US “Tox21” community and the future of toxicology testing
PL2 Animal health and welfare in the food chain: food for thought
PL3 Brueghel̓s two monkeys: passing the final exam in the history of mankind
PL4 Metabonomics-driven top-down systems biology: techniques and applications
PL5 Predictive testing strategies: R&D achievements and perspectives
PL6 Is forefront science considered and applied in regulatory risk assessment?
PL7 The principles of humane experimental technique: timeless insights and unheeded warnings -The principles of humane experimental technique: is it relevant today?
PL8 Calling on science: making alternatives the new toxicity-testing gold standard
Theme 1:
Innovative technologies, concepts and approaches
Breakout Sessions
BS1 Integrated approaches
BS2 Chemical and physical methods
BS3 High throughput technologies
BS4 Omics and systems biology
BS5 Non-invasive technologies
BS6 Non-vertebrate models
BS7 In silico models
BS8 Databases: scientific approaches
BS9 In vitro technologies
BS10 Current and evolving concepts for the validation of safety assessment methods
Extra Breakout Sessions
EB1 Status report on Predict-IV
EB2 Status report on evidence-based toxicology project
EB3 Status report on CAESAR
EB12 Update on ICH and VICH progress
Lunch Sessions
SL1 Databases: progress report
SL2 Good Cell Culture Practices
Poster sections
PO1 Integrated approaches
PO2 Chemical and physical methods
PO3 High throughput technologies
PO4 Omics and systems biology
PO5 Non-invasive technologies
PO6 Non-vertebrate models
PO7 In silico models
PO8 Databases
PO9 In vitro technologies
PO10 Validation concepts
Theme 2:
Areas of animal use
Breakout Sessions
BS11 Basic research
BS12 Chemicals and pesticides
BS13 Cosmetics
BS14 Pharmaceuticals
BS15 Food improving agents
BS16 Genetically modified organisms
BS17 Nanomaterial toxicity testing
BS18 Vaccines and biologicals
BS19 E ducation and training
BS20 Animal use policies
Extra Breakout Sessions
EB4 Status report on ICATM
EB5 Status report on EPAA
EB6 Status report on ReProTect
EB7 Status report on OSIRIS
Lunch Sessions
SL3 2009 developments in the field of alternative methods
SL4 Recent progress and future directions in the validation and regulatory acceptance of alternative test methods that reduce, refine, and replace animal use
Poster sections
PO11 Basic research
PO12 Chemicals and pesticides
PO13 Cosmetics
PO14 Pharmaceuticals
PO15 Food improving agents
PO16 Genetically modified organisms
PO17 Nanomaterial toxicity testing
PO18 Vaccines and biologicals
PO19 E ducation and training
PO20 Animal use policies
Theme 3:
Progress in life science domains
Breakout Sessions
BS21 Skin and eye toxicity 1
BS22 Skin and eye toxicity 2
BS23 Systemic toxicity and target organs
BS24 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
BS25 Reproduction, development and fertility
BS26 Disease models
BS27 Environmental science
BS28 Animal welfare science
BS29 Immunology
BS30 Neuroscience
Extra Breakout Sessions
EB8 Status report on ACuteTox
EB9 Status report on ToxCast
EB10 Status report on Sens-it-iv
EB11 Introduction and status report on ESNATS - EU Project
Lunch Sessions
SL5 Animal use policies: the future of animal welfare legislation
SL6 Vaccines: acceptance of 3R methods
Poster sections
PO21/22 Skin and eye toxicity
PO23 Systemic toxicity and target organs
PO24 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
PO25 Reproduction, development and fertility
PO26 Disease models
PO27 Environmental science
PO28 Animal welfare science
PO29 Immunology
PO30 Neuroscience
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